Sunday, June 12, 2011

Don´t you?

Don´t you hate when you forget what it is you were looking for?

Don´t you hate when someone starts talking to you and calls you by your name but you can´t remember theirs, so all you got is that stupid smile on...and all you say is "yea" "ok" "neat" stupid words to fill in the gap.

Don´t you hate when you come home and you go straight to the fridge to heat up the leftovers, only to find out that someone got to them before you?

Don´t you hate that when you are trying to find something it almost seems like that objects has legs and is really just playing hide and seek?

Don´t you hate when said objects appear only when you no longer need them?? And it amazes me that they are in the most weird places...

Don´t you hate when you have to wake up early the next day and you look at the alarm clock or in most cases ur cell phone and its midnight and you think to urself..."okay i have 6 hours to sleep" the time goes by and you still havent fallen asleep and you look at the clock again and its 1am and you think "okay 5 hours" and sooo on until you just think " damn im screwed."

Don´t you hate when you go into a store and when you are going to the register and they say cash only! i mean who carries chash nowadays

Don´t you hate when u go to the market cuz you need something and you come back with a whole bunch of groceries only to find out that the one thing you needed you didnt buy!

Okay enough hate....pretend all the sentences above begin with "Don´t you love"

P.S. The story about me almost getting shot is coming very soon :)

Happy Reading
Happy Writing!!!

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