Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Such is me

Like a caged bird,
A held back smile,
An unshed tear,
A repressed desire,
Such is me, trying to break free,
Freedom to fly high and far
Freedom to laugh as hard as I can
Freedom to cry all my unshed tears
Freedom to seek and achieve all my desires.
Such is me, trying to break free..
If I could be an animal, an eagle I would be!


  1. Great Poem :-)

    If I was an animal, I'd probably end up a stray dog. With a limp.

  2. Thanks Larry =) but im curious why a stray dog with a limp? =o)

  3. Jenny

    That's just a little joke about how I see myself ;-) Most people would choose an animal that personifies who they would like to be at their best, but my warped sense of humour makes me more of a realist - and I chose my animal based on my flaws and failings in life, hence the stray dog with a limp. But it's a friendly stray dog - always wagging its tail. :-)

  4. Larry, I never thought about it that way, you are so right! I think I know what my next post will be about :) I´ll be sure to give the credit to you!


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