Unfortunately I still dont have the pictures I wanted to put on this post.... *hint* *hint* Chris!!! As soon as my dear friend sends them to me I´ll post them here. Before I tell you about me almost getting shot I want you to understand my state of mind at the time of the incident. Few days before my house was shot at I went ghost hunting at a graveyard with some friends of mine. Chris had done this many a times before and told me about so I thougtht it would be cool to give it a try. There was one particular spot in the graveyard where I felt a presence...it was a heavy feeling so I asked my Chris to take a picture of me, when we saw the picture we saw this big smoky area besides me; now no one was smoking and either ways the smoke coming from that area was too great to be from a cigarette. Needless to say I was spooked, y was I the only one feeling it and y was it around me?! After about 2 hours we left with some recordings and some pics, all really creepy.
Well that being said I can now tell you what was my first thought was when i heard the "BOOM" without you being like "what?" It was a few days after the graveyard happening, I was going to make popcorn and as I was walking towards my pantry a few inches in front of me the frame I had hung on my wall shattered making a loud noise, so I stopped and looked at it and the frame was still hanging only the glass part broke.
So, naturally the first thing that came to my head was GHOST! So I pick up my phone and start dialing Chris while its ringing I scream at the top of my lungs for my roommate Sam, she comes running down the stairs and I tell her what I thought happened, while she is looking over the frame and shattered glass I´m telling Chris what happened, and if it could be because of our lil adventure in the graveyard. Sam yells "Jen its a bullet!!!" I say goodbye to Chris ( who is now freaking out .) Besides my pantry door is the basement door, and stuck to my basement door is a bullet! Now I´m really freaking out, I mean who could possibly want me dead??? Sam calls 911, and they get there within 4 minutes I let the cops in and explain the whole ordeal as best as I can.....there were two cops inside the house and the others looking for the culprit or culprits outside.
After I finished telling him all I knew the young cop looks at me and says "Dont you remember me" so I stare at his face trying to place it but I couldn´t for the life of me. So i tell him "no, should I?" And he responds " I was one of the cops there the night your car rolled in the ocean" so then I remember him... he was the one asking me all the questions that night too... Now I tried not to laugh, he had that lil knowing smile on his face and I´m thinking of course he knows my car didnt just roll into the ocean.... ( you see that is the story I told the cops, I said I was going home from work and I was really tired and I had to pee so I stopped and thought I had put my car on P but it was really on N so it just rolled down the ramp into the ocean. Which is all unbelievable because of course the restaurant was closed as was everything, but they bought it :) or at least they pitied me so they pretendend. (there is another post where I mention this story called Time Flies---Edited.) So I very serious said "oh yea I remember you now" and he said " Man aren´t you lucky" ... funny!
Okay back to the whole almost getting shot story... Forensics came and got the bullet out and did all the things they were supposed to do. The guy then tells me that if I was one second ahead of where I was the bullet would have hit me and from the height of where the bullet got stuck it would have hit the side of my head!!!!!!!!!!! And that it was a hollow-point bullet.... I was like "a what now?" he explained to me that a hollow-point bullet expands upon entering the target disrupting more tissue as it travels the target!!!!!!! YES I WAS FREAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cops that were searching for the culprit/s found them! They told me that behind my house (my house sits on a land of a lil over an acre) there is a shooting range, and that 2 brothers were shooting in an unpermitted location one of the brothers was 16 and the other18. So you can guess which one said it was his fault!... Of course the 16 yr old (now that i dont believe.) Either way everyone there was amazed that the bullet travelled that far and dodged soooooo many trees just to accidently hit my house and almost kill me!!!!
So thats the story of Jennifer Papps (me) almost getting shot by a hollow-point bullet no less!
Happy Reading
Happy Writing!